GBTA Recap

GBTA 2019 Recap!


Hello again, travel friends!

As we reflect on the many great moments from GBTA Convention 2019 we wanted to take this opportunity to share a few of our favorites with you. 

Overall we summarize these best moments into 3 key categories:

  1. Relationships

  2. Philanthropy

  3. Evolution

If you followed us on Instagram during our time in Chicago, you’ve already seen some of these favorite moments, but we’re recapping them again for you here.


‘We are in the relationship business!’ We have it written on our office walls as this is truly a way of life for us at Cadence.  Being able to attend industry networking events helps us grow our partnerships and deepen our relationships with our vendors.  We think these relationships are just as important as the relationships we have with our clients. 

We were delighted to attend appreciation events hosted by some of our favorite partners - United, Delta, and Hilton.  It’s not every day you get to meet the CEO of United Airlines and this was just one of the many great connections we made.  We also had the distinct pleasure of spending time with the following amazing industry leaders:

  • Bob Neveu, CEO of Certify + ChromeRiver

  • Mickey Beyer-Clausen, Co-Founder + CEO of Timeshifter

  • Erik Mueller, CEO, Grasp Technologies

  • As well as various reps from Delta, Enterprise, The Parking Spot and more

Some of these connections are with existing partners allowing us to provide exceptional service and resources to our customers and some of them mean exciting things down the road. More to come!



In 2017, Cadence Travel partnered with ECPAT-USA and joined The Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct (The Code) and implemented a policy against human trafficking. The Code is an industry-driven initiative to provide awareness, tools, and support to the private sector to help combat the sexual exploitation of children.

In an effort to continue doing our part, we wore matching “END IT MOVEMENT” shirts on the exhibit floor to show our support for the ECPAT-USA cause while opening up conversation about the topic.

Bonus! The Hilton client event incorporated a giveback into their gifting opportunity during the event. All guests had the option to design a pair of shoes to keep or they could donate a pair to a charity. We opted to donate ours!




The theme of the 2019 Convention was EVOLVE.  The business travel industry is always evolving and attending this event allows us to be a part of it! We pride ourselves on being an industry leader and a nimble, forward-thinking travel management company.  The educational sessions are thought-provoking and help us bring important industry updates and trends back to our clients so we can continue to be relevant and consultative.

Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn as we’ll be posting articles in the coming weeks with our top takeaways and recaps from our favorite educational sessions.