2017 Passport Renewal Lessons and Tips - Cadence

2017 Passport Renewal Lessons and Tips - Cadence

2017's three most important passport lessons

Do you know how many Americans will be renewing their passports in the next few years? A record 49 million. Why? For starters, 2017 will be exactly ten years since passports became mandatory for travel to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean… and passports last for ten years. Translation: total surge.

If you want your passport to do more than look pretty in a passport case, read on.

1. Start the process early:

If you think you have plenty of time, consider that it can take up to six weeks for a passport renewal and many destinations require your passport to be valid for months following your trip. Also, double check your kiddo’s passport. They’re only valid for five years and typically require a more in-depth application process.

2. You might need one to travel domestically:

Think you might not need a passport for a while? Make sure you’re in tune with how the REAL ID Act affects state-to-state air travel in 2018. Soon, drivers licenses lacking new federally required technology will not be considered a valid ID for certain states. Click here for info.

3. Double check if the new makeover affects you:

From new security features to no more extra pages, there will be passport design changes that you'll want to brush up on.

If you have any questions regarding your passport, feel free to get in touch with one of our professional travel specialists.