How to be smarter about Travel WiFi

How to be smarter about Travel WiFi

Skycure names the destinations with the highest and lowest Wi-Fi security threats.

Skycure names the destinations with the highest and lowest Wi-Fi security threats.

Internet access during travel makes our lives abundantly easy, from mobile boarding passes to transportation apps... But today's security threats can quickly make it your worst enemy. For the sake of your safety, err on the side of caution.

According to this infographic from Skycure, a mobile threat defense company, many popular business travel destinations tend to carry higher risks due to their tourist attractions, like Times Square, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Union Station or the Las Vegas Strip. High traffic international hotspots are also susceptible, like Hong Kong's Ocean Park and St. Peter's Basilica.

If you find yourself in one of these notoriously busy locations, take this advice to heart: Avoid "Free" Wi-Fi networks. It may seem appealing (especially in comparison to expensive data packages), but 8% of reported threats are from a network with "Free" in its name. Also, if you don't need to be connected, go off the radar for a little while to reduce the amount of time your device may be vulnerable.

For more preventative measures, you can detect and prevent cyber attacks with Skycure's free mobile app. Click here download. Happy, save travels!